


ECLIPSE是国内仅有的几个健康科学专门领导力项目之一. 健康科学学院独有的, ECLIPSE is a 专业发展 experience for undergraduate students that aims to develop health professionals who impact individuals 和 populations of people through the power of interprofessional work 和 协作 leadership.

"ECLIPSE has connected me with a tight community of caring 和 ambitious health-focused individuals. 在一起, 我们正在学习如何成为医疗团队中更好的成员和更好的领导者.”
- Nicholas Koshy, ECLIPSE白金会员,健康科学(学前健康专业研究)专业







[音乐]欢迎来到健康科学学院. 我们把学生培养成领导者, 将理论与最佳实践联系起来, 并影响所有人和社区的需求. 我们提供的一个独特的程序是Eclipse.

Eclipse or Explorations in 协作的领导 和 Interprofessional教育 is a community engaged leadership program for students studying 健康科学 at OU. This unique program which will help you st和 out in a competitive field is designed to help you reflect on the skills you are building throughout your degree in our pillars.

Eclipse is a program that offers structural 和 foundational learning that will allow students to take advantage of opportunities that they usually wouldn't come in contact with on campus.


Eclipse has really been able to set me apart from other students applying to graduate programs or medical schools by allowing me to really build my leadership skills from the ground-up, 确定我的核心价值观是什么,以及它们对我来说意味着什么, 以及学习如何在团队中正确地分配任务和工作.

Eclipse students register for an IPE course that helps to synthesize the learning in 和 out of the classroom. 每月开会一次, 学生们认识到自己是领导者, 如何有效地在团队中工作, 以及他们的价值观如何影响他们在健康方面的角色. 另外, 学生与教师是联系在一起的, 研究的机会, 阴影, 社区服务, 专业发展, 还有一些有趣的东西.

我充分利用了老师和指导老师的帮助. 顾问们真是太棒了.

我最喜欢的日食活动是篝火. 我们可以放松一下,互相聊天, 互相检查一下, 我们有机会真正交流.

进入项目后, each Eclipse student is paired with a peer mentoring group that shares a similar major or career path, 和 can provide support 和 共享资源 with each other to be successful 和 feel connected to the 卫生科学学院.


Our vision in Eclipse is to teach future health professionals to lead from where they're at 和 to work more 协作ly with others to improve patient 和 community care.




加入Eclipse, where we foster student's abilities to become leaders within 和 beyond our communities through diverse, 以学生为中心, 协作, 以及在健康目的方面的跨专业经验. (音乐)

以…的思想为基础的 协作的领导 和 Interprofessional教育 within the field of health, ECLIPSE is designed to help students gain skills in each of our pillars; 沟通,团队合作,角色, 和 ,通过实践和反思. 通过合作和跨专业的工作(多学科), our future health leaders can be more intentional 和 improve patient 和 community health outcomes.

我们的使命: 培养学生成为社区内外领导者的能力, 以学生为中心, 协作, 以及跨专业经验, 为了健康.

我们的价值观: 协作的领导 和 Interprofessional教育 are at the core of leadership in diverse health-related professions. We believe that self-reflection 和 self-discovery contribute to shaping adaptive leaders’ ability to perform effectively in various contexts. 我们重视与健康有关的领导者,他们通过以下方式积极影响他们所服务的对象:

  • 理解角色和职责的演变和波动
  • 独立工作和团队合作
  • 与不同的人进行有效和负责任的沟通
  • 认识价值观和道德规范,保持相互尊重

我们的愿景: 通过实践领导作为一种协作的努力, ECLIPSE graduates will be unique assets to diverse health-related professions as they perform with the purpose of improving the lives of others.

作为ECLIPSE的成员, 你是健康科学学院社区的一部分,可以向同龄人学习, 工作人员, 教师, 专业人士—— 在目的 对健康.

通过研讨会, 服务与持续反思, ECLIPSE encourages you to engage in self-discovery 和 learn more about who you are 和 the impact you can make as a leader in your field. ECLIPSE会奖励您已经计划要做的事情(比如参加讲座), 志愿服务, 或者在课堂上做一个小组项目),当你反思这些经历时,你就会获得分数. The opportunity to move up levels 和 showcase experiences in your leadership ePortfolio will boost your resume 和 help you to st和 out as a leader on campus 和 in your future career. ECLIPSE has monthly meetings to help you practice skills in each of our pillars 和 organizes activities for students 和 mentoring groups. 另外, our ECLIPSE Activities Board plans a lot of engagement opportunities for participants including our annual bonfire, 节日活动, 社区服务, 以及专业发展研讨会.


青铜 100 - 199分
 200 - 299点
黄金 200 - 499分
 500 +分
* 白金奖得主,我们的最高荣誉,将获得一件毕业礼服.


  • 每学期参加四次ECLIPSE班会中的三次. 
    • Each participant registers for either IPE 1000/1010, IPE 2000/2010, IPE 3000/3010, or IPE 4000/4010
    • ECLIPSE课程是零学分, 但在你的成绩单上显示为" S "或" U
    • 您必须在ECLIPSE中保持活动状态才能收到“S” 
    • 我们将与那些有课程/工作冲突的人一起工作
  • 每学期与你的同伴导师小组见面四次(在进入项目时分配).
  • Submit four reflections a semester for your involvement on 和 off campus about the leadership skills you are building around communication, 团队合作, 角色和责任, 以及价值观/道德观,从而在ECLIPSE中获得下一个级别的积分.
  • Meet individually once a semester with the ECLIPSE program coordinator to review your progress in the program 和 gain access to resources.
  • Develop an ePortfolio throughout the program that becomes a digital resume to track your leadership journey 和 to share with future employers 和 graduate programs.
  • Participate in a semester-long Community Health Impact Project in your final year of the program with a group of students from different health majors, 与注重健康的社区组织或倡议合作.
  • Stay involved in ECLIPSE throughout your entire time as an OU student 和 gain access to resources, 比如研究和服务的机会,帮助你成长为一个自信的人, 未来的健康领导者.

注意:如果你是一名转学生或不能加入你在开放大学的第一年, 您可以加入ECLIPSE,并可能根据您以前的参与而提升级别. 联系 eclipse@oakl和.edu 了解更多.

  • 学习在你未来的职业生涯中取得成功所必需的技能, 包括:跨专业角色和职责, 有效的沟通技巧, 团队合作的重要性, 以及识别和领导自己价值观的能力. 
  • 通过合作发现你的领导特质, 理解和消除偏见, 自我评价与反思, 并开发跨专业领导力电子投资组合.
  • 练习和培养技能, 品质, 和 aptitudes that are essential to make you st和 out 和 be competitive in health graduate programs 和 the workplace.
  • 加入同伴导师小组,结识新朋友, 和你有着相似的激情,甚至可能有相同的课程的不同的人.
  • 获得获得职业指导等资源的途径和联系, 研究的机会, 社区服务, 奖学金, 工作, 更多的是为了帮助你在大学之旅中取得成功.



IPE 1010 - Rising 青铜 (传入的 一年级学生

2月1日| 3-4:47.m. 
2月3日上午10点.m. - 4 p.m.
2月22日| 3-4:47.m.
3月21日| 3-4:47.m.
4月11日| 3-4:47.m.

IPE 2010 -崛起的白银 

1月25日 | 3-4:47 p.m. 
2月3日 | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
2月15日 | 3-4:47 p.m. 
3月14日 | 3-4:47 p.m. 
4月11日 | 3-4:47 p.m. 

IPE 3010 -上涨的黄金 

1月17日 | 3:30-5:17 p.m.
2月3日| 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
2月7日 | 3:30-5:17 p.m.
3月6日 | 3:30-5:17 p.m.
3月27日 | 3:30-5:17 p.m.
4月11日 | 3:30-5:17 p.m.

IPE 4010 -上涨铂金 

1月11日| 3-4:47 p.m. 
2月3日| 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
4月11日| 3-4:47 p.m. 

学生需要获得许可才能报名参加这门课程. 请联系 eclipse@oakl和.edu 有关如何注册的更多信息.

当您加入ECLIPSE时,您将被匹配到一个指导小组. 你会遇到新的、不同的人,他们和你有着相似的兴趣和激情. 在你的小组里, 你们将一起上课, 共享资源, 在你的学习过程中获得支持, 参与志愿者活动, 玩得开心,发展一辈子的关系.

如果您对辅导计划有任何疑问,请发邮件给我们 eclipse@oakl和.edu.

如果你是SHS校友, 你可以对ECLIPSE学生的教育和经历产生影响, 通过成为校友导师来帮助项目和你的社区. 你每个月都要和你的指导小组联系(虚拟的或者面对面的), 共享资源 or just chat; celebrate our students’ success; 和 participate as a speaker, 专家, 志愿者和合作伙伴(如果有的话).


如果您是ECLIPSE学生,有兴趣成为同侪导师,请发电子邮件 eclipse@oakl和.edu.

在ECLIPSE中”, we learn a lot about how to improve our leadership skills now to better prepare us for our future as healthcare professionals. It is an awesome program that has led me to great relationships with people of so many different backgrounds 和 opportunities that I would not have pursued if it wasn’t for ECLIPSE. 我喜欢日食!”
 Sofia Mansour, ECLIPSE金牌会员,健康科学(学前健康专业研究)专业

“ECLIPSE把我和有共同兴趣的学生联系在一起. We encourage each other on career-related requirements, but we also check on each other as friends.”
- Sarah Richards, 银 ECLIPSE会员,健康科学(预健康专业研究)专业

“ECLIPSE不仅教你出色的领导技能, 它也教会你伟大的道德, 让你成为医学院或牙科学校的有力候选人. ECLIPSE是一个你可以做自己的地方.”
- Syeda Zaidi, ECLIPSE青铜会员,临床与诊断科学专业

“One of the most valuable experiences of being in ECLIPSE is having the opportunity to serve others before you get into your career, allowing you to build a rapport 和 get comfortable communicating with people in a stress-free environment.” 
——Andrew Duke, ECLIPSE金牌会员,运动科学专业 

“ECLIPSE让我对自己和我的领导能力充满了无限的信心. When I face the real world, I feel much more prepared as a leader 和 future healthcare professional.”


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